Ganesh leads Calico’s Physiology group, consisting of members with multidisciplinary expertise in preclinical drug discovery research and development. His team develops preclinical models to gain a deeper understanding of disease pathophysiology and performs proof-of concept studies through target validation using various cutting edge molecular and biochemical approaches.
Prior to Calico, Ganesh spent over a decade in Research at Genentech. During that time, he contributed to the various stages of drug discovery and development for early- and late-stage drug candidates in immune pathologies and the immunometabolism space. Prior to joining Genentech, he conducted postdoc research in cellular and molecular immunology, particularly how memory T cells are formed and perpetuated during viral and bacterial infections.
- Postdoc with Dr. Kaja MuraliKrishna, Laboratory of Cellular Immunology, University of Washington Seattle
- Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
- B.S and M.S. in Biological Science, Bharathidasan University, Trichy, India